Current Jobs keeps loading

Last published at: 2023-12-06 13:52:37 UTC


In Plauti Cloud, at Duplicate Check > Current Jobs, the spinner that indicates that the current jobs are being loaded just keeps on spinning and no jobs are shown.


There can be several causes for this:

  • There are no jobs designated for Plauti Cloud in any of the connected Orgs or environments (no jobs are prepared for Plauti Cloud, or no jobs have been prepared at all).

    > In Duplicate Check in Salesforce or Dynamics 365, start a job, and indicate that you want to run it in Plauti Cloud.
  • There are no (active) connected Orgs or environments, or the connection expired.

    > Connect an org or environment, or delete the already existing connection and re-connect it.

If you do have started a job to run in Plauti Cloud, and the org or environment you started it in is connected your Plauti Cloud environment, please contact Plauti Support.