DAP Settings

Last published at: 2024-07-30 12:34:23 UTC

The Settings page lets you configure general DAP settings. Make sure to click Save after making any changes.

Audit Logging

Available for Premium and PDM. See The Audit Log‍ for more information about this feature.

Activate Audit Logging: Enable or disable the Audit Log in its entirety.

Store Action Audit Log: Enable or disable storing the Action Audit Log.

Store Record Audit Log: Enable or disable storing the Record Audit Log.


Share analytics with Plauti to improve products & services:
Help Plauti improve its products & services by sharing anonymized analytics. The analytics are fully anonymized and cannot be traced back to you.

Simple Analytics
The DAP analytics as shown on the DAP Setup Home page (DAP Activities, DAP Features, DAP Actions Used, etc) provide you with insights about the actions executed in DAP and other DAP usage information. 
Disabling this setting will prevent the storing of new data; previously collected DAP usage data will still be shown on the Home dashboard.


DAP Analytics not shown

If some widgets of DAP Analytics are empty or state “No data found”, read how to solve it in DAP Analytics not shown‍.


Remove unused DAP Flow Data records:
Click Schedule to remove DAP flow data records that are more than one day old, and that do not have the 'completed' status. This will free up memory.
After clicking 'Schedule', the removal job runs in the background. It will not appear in the DAP Job or DAP Scheduled Job Overview.