The Action Library

Last published at: 2024-08-02 08:44:29 UTC

The Action Library is available for the Advanced, Premium and PDM editions.

The Action Library shows information and configuration options for all actions that are available for your license. Here you can configure access to each action, and some additional action settings.

Access the Action Library

  1. In your Salesforce Org, go to the App Launcher and open the DAP app.
  2. In the DAP app, go to tab DAP Setup.
  3. On the left-hand side, click Action Library. Here you find all available actions. By default, all actions are assigned to all profiles.

For each action you see how you can run it (under Type), its API name, and to which profiles it is available (under Assigned to). Furthermore, for each action you have the option to change availability (assignment), and configure additional settings. At top right you can create new Macros‍: predefined actions for recurring tasks.

Change action access

Changing access to each action separately (action assignment) is available for Premium and PDM licenses. By default, all actions are assigned to all profiles, and no specific users.

You can grant access to specific profiles and users. Access given to both profile and user is complementary, except for the process limit: for the process limit the user setting always takes precedence.

To make an action available to only certain user profiles:

  1. Go to the Action Library.
  2. Next to the action you want to configure, click the Assignment button.
  3. Next to each user profile, under Enable Action For, indicate whether the action should be available for that profile in List view, in the Action Grid view, for Jobs, for Scheduled Jobs, for Direct Actions, and/or in DC Job results (if you have Duplicate Check installed).
    Macros can also set to be available for Starting in a Flow, and Starting from an Apex Class.

    With the Disable All / Enable All option at the top you can disable or enable the action for all profiles in one go, and then enable or disable the action for only a few profiles.

  4. Then, under Available for Object, indicate for which object the action should be available for that profile. Enter one or more objects via the Add Object box in the dropdown list. To make the action available to all objects again, remove all specified objects from the dropdown list by clicking on them.

    Person Accounts

    • Actions can be made available specifically for Accounts, but not for Person Accounts. To make an action available for Person Accounts, set 'Available for Object' to All Objects for that action. Alternatively:
    • If an action is made available for Accounts specifically, it will not be shown for Person Accounts. However, when you select both Account and Person Account records in a list, the action will be available, and will be applied to both record types.

    Some actions and macros are only available for specific objects (e.g. Mass Convert is only available for Leads). For these actions and macros you cannot change the object availability.

  5. Also decide if users of a certain profile should have a Process Limit, so that they can only process a limited number of records in one go. Note that the process limit of any individual user always takes precedence.
  6. At the bottom of the page, click Save.
  7. Repeat for other actions if needed.

To make an action available to only certain users:

  1. Go to the Action Library.
  2. Next to the action you want to configure, click the Assignment button.
  3. Scroll all the way down to Assign "Action" to Users.
  4. At Add User, search for a user or user group. Click on the User icon to switch between users and groups.
  5. Select a user or group. If you select a user group, its users will be added individually.
  6. Next to each user, under Enable Action For, indicate whether the action should be available for that user in list view, as a job, as a scheduled job, and/or in DC Job results (if you have Duplicate Check installed).
    Macros can also set to be available for starting in a Flow, and starting from an Apex Class.
  7. Then, under Available for Object, indicate for which object the action should be available for that user. Enter one or more objects via the Add Object box in the dropdown list. To make the action available to all objects again, remove all specified objects from the dropdown list by clicking on them.

    Person Accounts

    • Actions can be made available specifically for Accounts, but not for Person Accounts. To make an action available for Person Accounts, set 'Available for Object' to All Objects for that action. Alternatively:
    • If an action is made available for Accounts specifically, it will not be shown for Person Accounts. However, when you select both Account and Person Account records in a list, the action will be available, and will be applied to both record types.

    Some actions and macros are only available for specific objects (e.g. Mass Convert is only available for Leads). For these actions and macros you cannot change the object availability.

  8. Also decide if users should have a Process Limit, so that they can only process a limited number of records in one go. Note that the process limit of an individual user always takes precedence over their profile process limit.
  9. Click Save.
  10. Repeat for other actions if needed.

Note that just granting access to the different actions via the Action Library is not sufficient to be able to see and use DAP actions; your users need overall access to the DAP app‍ as well. We recommend granting overall app access only after you fully configured DAP.


Configure action-specific settings

Configuring action-specific settings is available for Advanced, Premium and PDM licences.

For all actions you can change the action label to a different name. Some actions such as Assign Ownership and Mass Delete have more settings available.

To configure the settings of a specific action:

  1. Go to the Action Library.
  2. Next to the action you want to configure, click the Edit button.
  3. Make the changes you want.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Repeat for other actions if needed.


The action-specific settings

  • For all actions: Action Label. If you think your users would understand a certain action better if it came under a different name, change its label here.
  • For all actions: Chunk Size in DAP Job Execution. Please only change this setting when instructed to do so by Plauti Support.
  • For Ask ChatGPT and Ask ChatGPT Vision: the OpenAI specifications, namely the OpenAI ApiKey, Model, and Temperature.
    OpenAI ApiKey: To use the "Ask ChatGPT" action you need an OpenAI subscription to one of the text-based OpenAI models. Enter the API Key belonging to the subscription here.
    OpenAI Model: enter the API name of the OpenAI model you want to use.
    For example, enter gpt-4, gpt-4-1106-preview, or gpt-3.5-turbo.

    OpenAI Temperature: Enter a sampling temperature value between 0 and 2. Higher values like 0.8 will make the output more random, while lower values like 0.2 will make it more focused and deterministic.
  • For Ask ChatGPT Vision: additional OpenAI specifications.
    OpenAI Detail Mode: Define the detail mode to use for rendering the image: auto, low, or high. Low resolution mode returns responses faster, and uses fewer input tokens. Read more about the detail parameter here.
  • For Assign Ownership: Enable "Send notification email" option. Give users the option to send an email when they change ownership of records with the Assign Ownership action.
  • For Find & Replace and Mass Update: Exclude fields from editing. Limit the fields that are available for updating. This way users cannot update certain fields in bulk, but can still edit these fields on single records. Note that the excluded fields can still be set for updating in the Macros of these actions. Read more here.
  • For Mass Delete: Show option to skip the recycle bin. Give users the option to skip the recycle bin when deleting records with the Mass Delete action. When a user decides to skip the recycle bin, the selected records are deleted permanently, and cannot be retrieved anymore.
  • For Run a Flow and Run an Apex Class: Allow users to override the default chunk size. When enabled, users can set a Chunk Size‍ in a Run a Flow or Run an Apex Class action (executed as a DAP Job) that better suits the selected flow.
    Note that regardless of this setting, when creating a Macro for Run a Flow or Run an Apex Class, the chunk size can always be changed by the creator of the Macro (but never by the user that executes the Macro).