Status codes and descriptions

Last published at: 2023-12-11 14:49:32 UTC

On this page, you can find all status codes and their description, returned from our API.

Address Status Codes

Status Code Description
500 Current address is incomplete or invalid. No suggestion could be generated for improvement.
501 Current address is incomplete or invalid. Suggestion contains an improved, verified address up to State/Region.
511 Current address is verified up to State/Region. Suggestion contains an improved, verified address up to State/Region.
502 Current address is incomplete or invalid. Suggestion contains an improved, verified address up to City.
512 Current address can be verified up to State/Region level. Suggestion contains an improved, verified address up to City.
522 Current address is verified up to City. Suggestion contains an improved, verified address up to City.
503 Current address is incomplete or invalid. Suggestion contains an improved, verified address up to Street.
513 Current address is verified up to Stage/Region. Suggestion contains an improved, verified address up to Street.
523 Current address is verified up to City. Suggestion contains an improved, verified address up to Street.
533 Current address is verified up to Street. Suggestion contains an improved, verified address up to Street.
504 Current address is incomplete or invalid. Suggestion contains an improved, verified address up to House number.
514 Current address is verified up to Stage/Region. Suggestion contains an improved, verified address up to House number.
524 Current address is verified up to City. Suggestion contains an improved, verified address up to House number.
534 Current address is verified up to Street. Suggestion contains an improved, verified address up to House number.
544 Current address is verified up to House number. Suggestion contains an improved, verified address up to House number.
505 Current address is incomplete or invalid. Suggestion contains an improved, verified address up to Postbox/Sub building.
515 Current address is verified up to State/Region. Suggestion contains an improved, verified address up to Postbox/Sub building.
525 Current address is verified up to City. Suggestion contains an improved, verified address up to Postbox/Sub building.
535 Current address is verified up to Street. Suggestion contains an improved, verified address up to Postbox/Sub building.
545 Current address is verified up to House number. Suggestion contains an improved, verified address up to Postbox/Sub building.
555 Current address is verified up to Postbox/Sub building. Suggestion contains an improved, verified address up to Postbox/Sub building.
590 Current address is incomplete or invalid.
591 Current address is verified up to State/Region level.
592 Current address is verified up to City level.
593 Current address is verified up to Street level.
594 Current address is verified up to Housenumber level.
595 Current address is verified up to Postbox/Sub building level.

Geocode status Codes

High confidence match between the location and the geocode. The location has only one geopoint match or all returned matches are considered strong.
High confidence match between the location and the geocode. The location is one of several possible geopoint matches, making the result ambiguous.
High confidence match between the location and the geocode. The location represents a move up the geographic hierarchy due to the absence of an exact geopoint match, leading to a broader and less precise result.
Medium confidence match between the location and the geocode. The location has only one geopoint match or all returned matches are considered strong.
Medium confidence match between the location and the geocode. The location is one of several possible geopoint matches, making the result ambiguous.
Medium confidence match between the location and the geocode. The location represents a move up the geographic hierarchy due to the absence of an exact geopoint match, leading to a broader and less precise result.
Low confidence match between the location and the geocode. The location has only one geopoint match or all returned matches are considered strong.
Low confidence match between the location and the geocode. The location is one of several possible geopoint matches, making the result ambiguous.
Low confidence match between the location and the geocode. The location represents a move up the geographic hierarchy due to the absence of an exact geopoint match, leading to a broader and less precise result.

Email Status Codes

Status Code Description Color

Email is correct but recognized as a disposable address.

Disposable emails are temporary accounts used to avoid using a real personal account during a sign-up process. Common providers of disposable emails include Mailinator, Guerilla Mail, AirMail, and 10 Minute Mail. These emails are fake or temporary emails. We advise you not to send any emails to this address. 


Email is correct but recognized as a spam trap.

A spam trap is a honeypot used to collect spam. Spam traps are usually e-mail addresses that are created not for communication, but rather to lure spam. We advise you not to send any emails to this address. 


Email is correct, but the email server has a catch-all policy.

This is also known as a “catch-all”. This is a domain-wide setting where all emails on this domain will be reported as a catch-all. There is no definitive way to determine whether this email is valid or invalid. 

If you have a dedicated email server with your own IPs, catch-all emails may be safe for sending dependent on the overall health of your list.

If you use a third-party email provider that requires a bounce rate below 4%, these emails are not safe for sending.


Email is correct and confirmed as a real user.

A valid email address has been verified as a real email that is currently accepting mail. These emails exist and have been verified for safe sending.


Email is correct, but can’t be associated with a particular person.

Role-based email addresses (like admin@, help@, sales@, leads@) are email addresses that are not associated with a particular person, but rather with a company, department, position, or group of recipients. They are not generally intended for personal use, as they typically include a distribution list of recipients.


Email is correct, recognized as a real user with a free email domain.

A valid free email address has been verified as a real email that is currently accepting mail. These emails exist and have been verified for safe sending.


Email is incorrect.

This address is incorrect due to a syntax error. It is not an email address. 


Email is correct but verified as invalid (bounce).

An invalid email address has been verified as a bad recipient address that does not exist or is not accepting mail. Invalid emails will result in a bounce.


Email is correct, but mail servers can’t be reached at this time.

We are unable to definitively determine this email’s status. This email appears to be OK, however, the domain and/or server is not responding to our requests. This may be due to an issue with their internal network or expired domain names. Unknown addresses are checked up to 3 times before this result code is given.

If you have a dedicated email server with your own IPs, unknown emails are normally safe for sending.

If you use a third-party email provider that requires a bounce rate below 4%, these emails are not safe for sending.


Phone Status Codes

Status Code Description
100 Correct phone number
101 Phone number is incorrect
102 Correct phone number and standardized
201 Incorrect Country