
Last published at: 2024-06-03 13:47:37 UTC

At Licenses, review the license information for your Plauti apps, and link Salesforce Sandbox organizations to your Salesforce production license for effortless testing with all licensed features in Salesforce Sandboxes.

Find the Plauti apps license information, and the option to link your Salesforce Sandbox orgs, in the left menu under 'Licenses'. Click License Overview or Link Sandbox.


No particular roles are needed to view the license pages; all users have access.


No information shown

If the License Overview and Link Sandbox pages don't show any data but only a spinner, head over to Connections‍ at bottom left and create a Dynamics 365 environment or Salesforce Production org connection first.

License Overview

The License Overview shows you the details of your license for each Plauti app, such as the edition and the record limit. 

  • Click More Info to see all license information, such as the maximum number of sandbox licenses, and the licensed features. 
  • For Record Validation you can also click Transactions to see the credit cost, status code, and other data for each Record Validation transaction.

At Link Sandbox you can view the Salesforce Sandbox connections that are currently linked to your Salesforce Production license.
If you have connected with multiple Salesforce Production orgs, select one at top right to see its linked Sandbox orgs.
Depending on your license you can link 5 (Advanced) or 10 (Premium) Salesforce Sandbox orgs to a Salesforce Production license.


When you refresh your Salesforce Sandbox, it will get a new Org ID. As a result you need to recreate the link with your Production license. After refreshing your Salesforce Sandbox, create a new Sandbox connection, and rerun the steps below to link your Sandbox to your Production license again.

Linking Salesforce Sandbox connections

The quickest way to link Sandboxes to your Production license is by using the Sandbox Linking page:

  1. Go to Plauti Cloud Sandbox Linking.
  2. Log in with your Salesforce Production org login data.
  3. Log in with the Salesforce Sandbox org login data.
  4. Click Link Licenses.
  5. In your Sandbox, go to the Setup page of your Plauti app and refresh the license. Repeat for all Plauti apps (DAP, DC, RV).

Alternatively, link Sandboxes on the License page in Plauti Cloud:


  • Make sure you have connected your Salesforce Production org via Connections‍. You can create a Salesforce Sandbox connection there as well, but that then needs to be linked as outlined below.
  • If you have connected multiple Salesforce Production orgs, select the Salesforce Production org you want to link a Sandbox org for in the Link Sandboxes overview at top right.

Adding a new Salesforce Sandbox connection

To link a Salesforce Sandbox org to your Salesforce Production license:

  1. In the Link Sandboxes overview, click Link a Sandbox Connection.
  2. Select the sandbox connection you want to link and click Link.
    If you have not yet connected the sandbox that you want to link:
    a. Click on Head over to Connections to create a sandbox connection.
    b. On the Connections page, click + New Connection.
    c. At 'What type of connection do you require?', select Salesforce Sandbox and click Connect.
    c. Enter the login data for the sandbox org and click Log In to Sandbox.
    d. Allow access to Plauti Cloud - Connect.
    e. Agree to the Data Processing Agreement.
    f. Then return to Linked Sandboxes and click Link a Sandbox Connection again.

The Sandbox is now linked to your Production license. 

Removing a Salesforce Sandbox connection

To remove a Salesforce Sandbox connection from your Salesforce Production license:

In the Link Sandboxes overview, click the Delete icon at the right of the Sandbox connection you want to remove.