
Last published at: 2024-02-05 10:51:41 UTC


Connect your team with your Org or environment

Connect your team with a Salesforce Org or Dynamics 365 environment to run Duplicate Check jobs. You can connect your team to multiple Orgs and environments, for example your Salesforce Production Org and one or more Salesforce Sandbox Orgs, or a Salesforce Org and a Dynamics 365 environment.

Manage your Connections via the bottom left menu option Connections Connections button.

An Org or environment can only be connected to one Team.

Creating a Connection

To connect your team to a Salesforce Org or Dynamics 365 environment:

  1. At bottom left, click Connections Connections button .
  2. In the Connections menu, click + New Connection New Connection button top right.
  3. Click 
    • Salesforce Production or Salesforce Sandbox to connect with a Salesforce Production or Sandbox Org, or
    • Dynamics 365 to connect with a Microsoft Dynamics 365 environment.
      Select the environment type in the select list that appears below. If you do not know your environment type, it most likely is 'Public Cloud (Default)'.
  4. Click Connect  .

  5. A Login window pops up. Enter your login data for the Salesforce Org or Dynamics 365 environment you want to connect to.

  6. If prompted, allow access to Plauti Cloud Connection Services.

  7. If you are logging in using your Microsoft credentials, select the Dynamics 365 environment you want to connect to.
  8. Agree to the terms of the Data Processing Agreement and click Proceed.

Your team is now connected to your Salesforce Org or Dynamics 365 environment.


You can use a connection with a Salesforce Sandbox Org as a standalone connection. However, to use all licensed DAP or DC features in your Sandboxes as well, link the Salesforce Sandbox connections to your Production license. Read more in Licenses‍.

Managing Connections

Click on a Connection to see its details, such as the type of connection, and the Org ID or environment ID. At top right you also have a few managing options.

Edit button Edit Edit the name of the connection and add a description, to quickly see which connection it concerns.
Pause button Pause Temporarily deactivate the connection. A paused connection will no longer retrieve jobs from Salesforce or Dynamics 365. After pausing, the job history for the connection is still available.
Activate button Activate Re-activate the connection to start retrieving jobs again.
Delete button Delete Delete the connection. After deletion, the job history for the connection will stay available.

Re-authorizing a Connection

Connections can expire, for example when tokens are retracted. This is indicated for each Connection in the Connections overview: the Connection is marked as 'Connection inactive'.
Click Re-authorize to authorize a Connection again, or create a new Connection for the Org or environment. This will also re-activate any scheduled jobs that were on Holding due to the inactivity. If you create a new Connection for your Org or environment, the same settings as for the previous Connection will be used.
The Job History for inactive, expired Connections will stay available.


Let a connection auto-run DC Jobs

The setting for allowing your connection to auto-run Duplicate Check Jobs is located in the Duplicate Check: Settings menu option on the left-hand side.