DC Telemetry/License - Email with Error Messages

Last published at: 2023-03-03 10:06:41 UTC


We are receiving emails with error messages stating 'Apex script unhandled exception by user/organization', due to an inactive user.

The email message contains one of the following lines:

Failed to process batch for class 'dupcheck.dc3TelemetryTransmitter' for job id '707xxxx'
Failed to process batch for class '<unknown>' for job id '707xxxx'
Failed to invoke future method 'public static void refreshLicense()' on class 'dupcheck.dc3LicenseMapper' for job id '707xxx'
Failed to invoke future method 'public static void refreshLicense()' on class '<unknown>' for job id '707xxx'


This happens when the scheduled jobs 'DC.License' and/or 'DC.Telemetry' are submitted by an inactive user. These jobs can be found in the Salesforce Setup > Quick Find: Scheduled Jobs.

Delete the 'DC.License' and/or 'DC.Telemetry' job that is owned by the inactive user. When someone uses Duplicate Check, these jobs will be rescheduled automatically for the active user.