Grant Login Access

So we can help you in your org

Last published at: 2024-08-01 08:15:41 UTC

Sometimes to see what is going on, it's easier if we can get onto your org to have a look. Salesforce provides a means of allowing support representatives from Salesforce and Partners to gain access for a limited duration called 'Grant Login Access'.

Here is the knowledgebase article from Salesforce: Grant Login Access. As mentioned in this article, we do not want your username and password. Instead there is a special mechanism for granting access:

  • Go to your Personal Settings (top right profile picture and then 'Settings')
  • Look in the navigation items on the left and select Grant Account Login Access. You'll see something like this:
  • If you have installed SuperRoundRobin, you'll see our company here - Plauti B.V..
  • To grant login access, select an Access Duration from the picklist, for example "one week".
  • Once your issue is resolved, you can always reset this access back to --No Access-- at an earlier time than the duration you selected.