Set up DAP in Salesforce

Last published at: 2023-11-28 09:58:35 UTC

This article gives an explanation about setting up DAP in Salesforce. For information about configuring settings within DAP, see Configuring DAP.

Before you can start using DAP, you need to make some changes in Salesforce: 

1. Add the Action Launcher button to your Objects‍,
2. Grant access to DAP to your users‍.

If you are using DAP Premium or PDM,
3. Add the Action Grid button to List Views‍ as well.

One way to trigger the actions of the Data Action Platform (DAP) is via the Action Launcher. In a list view, you select the records to apply an action to, then click the Action Launcher button to select the action. 

To set this up, add the Action Launcher button to the list view layout of every object where you want to use actions. The Action Launcher is added to the list view layout as a custom button. For Leads, Accounts, and Contacts, the button is already added. For other objects, you will need to create a custom button first, and add it to the object's list view layout.

To configure the Action Launcher button for objects other than Lead, Account or Contact, see Add the Action Launcher to other objects‍.

Then, make sure to Grant DAP access‍ to your users.

If you are using DAP Premium or PDM, Add the Action Grid button to List Views‍ as well.