Insufficient access rights error with Partner Community Users

How to work around this known issue

Last published at: 2024-08-01 08:14:53 UTC

Many businesses use Partner Portals using Experience Cloud to provide their business partners with limited access to their platform and to make data sharing easier. When Partner Community Users create a Lead via their portal with SuperRoundRobin set to process all leads by default, users see the following error: insufficient access rights on cross-reference id. Follow the simple steps here to work around this issue.


  1. Go into Setup > Object Manager > Lead > Fields and Relationships; find the Use Round Robin field and click 'edit' next to the FALSE value. Set this value as the default. We are turning SRR off by default.
  2. Now set up a Process Builder process as follows:
    1. Object: Lead (or whichever object you are assigning with SRR). Select 'only when a record is created'
    2. Criteria: No criteria
    3. Immediate Actions: Action type - Update Records. Select the record that started your process. Specify No criteria. Put Use Round Robin into the Field, and select TRUE. Save.

What we are doing here is allowing the Partner Community User to create the lead, and then further along the execution path this Process will trigger SuperRoundRobin to do the assignment (instead of the Partner User triggering SuperRoundRobin to do the assignment).

This workaround is compatible with all the other modes of lead generation; so if you have web to lead, or marketing automation feeding leads into your org, this will work with those methods as well.