Record Validation Results page

Last published at: 2024-07-27 01:33:21 UTC

On the Results page overview, a user can view jobs in a more detailed way. Records presented on this page can be filtered and validated manually or automatically. 


Learn how to validate your job results manually in this article.
Learn how to validate your job results automatically in this article.

Expand or close the duplicate records.
Refresh the page.
Job Filter. Learn more about results filter in this article.
Deletes the job results.
 Return to the Record Validation Job Overview page.

Records type details

Record name Records name
Status Sum of every record status in this job.
Actions Discard - Discard the validation for this record


Red  Records that failed validation because of unusable data.
Amber  Records with validated suggestions.
Green   Successfully validated records.

Validation fields

Validation Field
Current Value
Current original field value
Suggested Value
Official validated value
Custom Value
Input custom value
Save and jump to the next record for validation
Save this record validation