Validate Records in Batch (RV Job)

Last published at: 2024-09-24 08:50:00 UTC

To validate fields in existing records, you can start a Record Validation Job. When configuring an RV Job, you can decide what exactly you would like to validate in your records.

Step 1 Start a new job

To start validating your records in a batch job, we are starting a Record Validation Job. 

  1. Navigate to the Record Validation Job page. 
  2. Click 'Add New Job'.
  3. At 'Job Name', enter a name for your job.
  4.  At 'Select Object', select the object you want to start a Record Validation Job in.
  5. At 'Validations', select what you want to validate. Choose between Address, Country, Email and/or Phone.
    Note: You can define a set of fields (e.g. Address fields) or a single field (Phone) at the Record Validation Setup. The Record Validation Job will only validate fields that are defined in the Record Validation Setup.
  6. At 'Include', decide what records you want to include in the Record Validation Job. If you want to make sure that all records are taken into account, simply select all Record Validation statuses.
    New - All records that Record Validation did not validate before.
    Changed - All records that were changed since the last validation.
    Manual - All records that were manually validated by users.
    Red - All records that Record Validation was not able to validate before because of unusable data.
    Amber - All records that Record Validation has validated suggestions for.
    Green - All successfully validated records.
  7. Decide if you want to add a filter to your job. By adding a filter, you can run the validation on a subset of your records.
  8. Start the job.
    Note: Validating records costs credits. Make sure all settings are correct before starting a Record Validation Job. 

Step 2 Open results and process validations

After your job finishes, you can either

  • Auto Process‍ the results from the Job Overview, or 
  • process them manually on the Job Results page, by reviewing them and making changes if needed. Review which data was validated (indicated in green   ) and decide to update those records with even better suggestions; make changes if a validation needs a decision on whether to keep it or not (amber  ); and inspect why record data could not be validated (red  ).

To process validations manually:

  1. On tab RV Job, find the job you want to review the results of.
  2. Click the Results button. The RV Job Results page‍ opens.
  3. Open the results of a record with the chevron  button.
  4. At each section, review the validation and any suggestions given. The Status Message field shows the specifics of the validation.
    Verified validations (green  ) can be valid as they are but still have a better suggestion.
  5. Decide to use the suggestion (Pick Suggested, selected by default) or keep the existing data. In case of the latter, select Keep Existing.
  6. Click Edit to make changes if needed. When any changes are made, the value header changes to "Keep Custom", to indicate that the value is not the original value anymore.
    After editing you have the options to either Restore the previously suggested value, or Validate  the changes made, but neither is mandatory. As always, clicking "Validate" uses credits.
  7. At each section, at right, toggle Include/Exclude in Record Update  to exclude that section of the validation when updating the record. By default all validation sections are included.
  8. Click one of the Update Record   buttons to update the validations with the suggestions and any changes you made. The results are removed from the job and you can continue with another record.
  9. After processing all records, the job will show no validation results anymore.

Read more about the different RV Job Results features in the Record Validation Results page‍ article.


Learn how you can automatically validate all results in batch in this article.