Run a DC Local Export job

DC Local for Salesforce

Last published at: 2024-07-27 01:33:21 UTC

The Duplicate Check Export feature lets you export DC Job results. Because it makes use of DC Local, it can handle large amounts of data. 

DC Export is available in the Advanced and Premium editions.


Install DC Local

In order to use the DC Export feature, you need to have DC Local installed. See Duplicate Check Local General Information‍ for information on how to do this.


Exports for Custom Objects

To export DC Job results for jobs run on custom objects, you need to configure some extra fields first. See DC Job Export for Custom Objects‍ on how to do this.

The DC Export feature lets you export Duplicate Check Job results to a .csv file. This way you can review or customize your reports and present them outside the Salesforce environment.

1. Open DC Local

Start with logging in to DC Local.
DC Export only works in combination with DC Local, not with DC Local Server Mode.

  1. Start DC Local.
  2. Log in to your Salesforce ORG by selecting Log in to Production or Log in to Sandbox.
  3. Use your Salesforce credentials to log in. Use the credentials from the ORG you want to export the Job results from.
  4. If prompted, click Allow to grant DC Local permission for: 'Access your basic information', 'Access and manage your data', and 'Perform requests on your behalf at any time'. Without these permissions DC Local will not work.

2. Export DC Job results from the DC Job page

In your Salesforce ORG, navigate to the DC Job page.

After a DC Job is completed, if the job contains records, the export button will appear. 

  1. Click Export Results.

    Duplicate Check will show a summary of what will be exported, such as the number of records, which result fields, etc. 

  2. Click Export via DC Local to start the export.

Duplicate Check exports the following standard fields: 

  • Group
  • Pair ID
  • Record A ID, Record B ID
  • Record A name, Record B name
  • Score

After clicking "Export via DC Local", it might seem like nothing happened, but you can simply continue with the next step "3. Start the export in DC Local".

3. Start the export in DC Local

  1. Switch back to DC Local.
  2. At 'Available Jobs', click the Refresh button.
  3. The Export Results you requested appear. Click Select.
  4. Review the summary and click Export As...
  5. Select a location to save the export file to and click Save.
  6. The export will be created. Upon completion you can click Open Folder to access the file location straight away.

Export Results not available

If you clicked Export via DC Local in your ORG, but after refreshing in DC Local the Export Results to export do not appear: make sure you are logged in to DC Local with the credentials of the correct ORG. Check the ORG address in the DC Local header, or log out of DC Local and log in again to be sure. Then click Refresh again at Available Jobs.

Export more fields

Duplicate Check will export the fields as defined in the Result Fields settings. To export more or different fields, add the fields you want to export to the Result Fields settings:

  1. In Duplicate Check, go to DC Setup.
  2. On the left, under Object Setup, click the object you want to add fields for.
  3. On tab Result Fields, move the fields to add from *Object* Available Fields to *Object* Result Fields.

Watch this short video to find out how to add more fields in your exports.

DC Export or

Both DC Export and‍ are designed to handle large amounts of data. You can use either one, it's mostly a matter of which one you find easier to use.