How to set up Direct Processing

Last published at: 2024-07-27 01:33:21 UTC

The Direct Processing feature is available in the Premium Edition.


Direct Processing feature merges and converts duplicate records at entry point without any user interaction. If you do not want to manually handle Web to Lead, Unique Import / API Bulk Insert, API Single Insert continue with the article.

Step 1 Activate Direct Processing

To activate Direct Processing you can apply the direct convert and direct merge features to any channel. Here is how:

  1. Navigate to the DC Setup page.
  2. Navigate to the *Object* you wish to enable direct processing for, then click on the Direct config tab. Example image: 
  3. What should I choose and why?
    API / Apex Update / Apex Insert
    By choosing to apply direct convert or direct merge to API / Apex Update / Apex Insert, all duplicate records that are created via API will be merged or converted automatically, from the threshold level of your choice.
    Unique Import
    By choosing to apply direct convert and/or direct merge to Unique Import, all duplicate records that are imported via any import tool, will be merged or converted automatically from the threshold level of your choice.
    By choosing to apply direct convert and/or direct merge to Web-to-Lead, all duplicate records that are created via the Web-to-Lead process, will be merged or converted automatically from the threshold level of your choice.
    DC Apex API
    By choosing to apply direct convert and/or direct merge to DC Apex API, all duplicate records that are created via the DC API, will be merged or converted automatically from the threshold level of your choice.

Threshold number? When Duplicate Check is doing a comparison, records will get a 'matching score' using the applied search scenario. The Threshold number is defined by the applied scenario for that specific channel.

Step 2 Apply a scenario to Direct Processing

Apply a search scenario to the Web-to-Lead, Unique Import / API Bulk Insert, API Single Insert / Update. Example image below.


All actions dealt from the options described above, all duplicate records merged and converted, can be viewed on the DC Audit Logging page. DC Audit Logging page is only available in our Premium Edition.


Do not set the threshold too low. Merging false duplicate records cannot be undone.