Discarded Items

Last published at: 2024-07-27 01:33:22 UTC

If you come across a group of records with false positive results, you can discard the group.
You can discard false positive matches that have been found in either DC Job or DC Live.

DC Job

On the DC Job Results Overview‍ page, select two or more records in a group or pair, and click the Advanced Actions menu icon . Choose a method of discard and discard the records.

DC Live

In the DC Live component, you can select records using the checkbox on the left. The option to merge appears. Next to the merge button, a dropdown arrow can be found. Entering it reveals the menu with options to discard a group containing the record you are currently working on and the selected records.


By pressing Discard, the duplicate group will get removed from the Job Results list. When running a new job, the duplicate group will still be taken into account.

False Duplicate
By pressing 'False Duplicate - Do not show again', the duplicate group will get removed from the DC Live and DC Job results list and will be regarded as a 'False Duplicate'. In the future, the duplicate group will be excluded from the matching process.

By pressing 'Duplicate - Do not show again', the duplicate group will be removed from the DC Live and DC Job results list and regarded as 'Duplicate'. In the future, the duplicate group will be excluded from the search.

By pressing 'Child/Parent - Do not show again', the duplicate group will be removed from the Job Results list and regarded as 'Child/Parent'. In the future, the duplicate group will be excluded from the search.

Discarded records

All discarded records can be found, edited, or retrieved in the DC Discards tab, accessible through the Discarded Items page located on the DC Setup page.

Undo discarded records 

It's possible to undo discarded records. You can do this by accessing the DC Discards tab, search for the Record ID that is part of a discarded record, and delete that discarded record. Duplicate Check will now be able to find the records involved as duplicates again.