Manage Entities

Last published at: February 28th, 2025

Manage your entities to set up entity-specific settings for Duplicate Check, and to configure scenarios. 


Preconfigured settings

The Contact and Account entities come preconfigured with default Duplicate Check settings, based on Duplicate Check best practices. If you are using Sales Hub or Sales Professional, the Lead entity is preconfigured as well.

With these preconfigured settings you can start deduplicating straight out of the box. Just indicate where you want to use them, then publish, and you're good to go. Of course you can also edit these settings and tailor them to your needs.


  • To manage entities you either need D365 System Administrator permissions, or the Duplicate Check Admin role.
  • To be able to publish entities for the first time, make sure you have the Power Automate license. Without this license you can still update existing entity settings.

Manage Entities

To configure entities for use with Duplicate Check:

  1. Open the Duplicate Check app from the app overview.
  2. At left, click Manage Entities.
  3. In the "Manage Entities" overview, find the entity you want to configure.
    If the entity is not listed, add it by clicking + Add Entity  at the top.
  4. At the right of the entity, click Manage 
  5. Add or edit scenarios for finding duplicates at tab <Entity> Scenarios‍.
  6. Configure entity-specific settings at tab <Entity> Settings‍.
  7. Configure the merge settings for this entity at tab Merge Settings.
  8. Manage entity-specific features at tab Feature Activation & Setup.
  9. Click Save, and Publish Now to let the changes take effect.
    1670847438408-hand pointing right.png Even if you kept all default settings and did not change anything, you still need to click Save and Publish Now to activate Duplicate Check for that entity.
  10. If you have a Plauti Business or Enterprise license, make sure to create Search Indexes‍ for each entity after publishing.

First-time publishing

Publishing entity settings for the first time might take a while. If you have notifications enabled, you will receive a notification when publishing is finished and Duplicate Check is ready to use for that entity.

Note that first-time publishing processes can only run one-at-a-time. A first-time publish for an entity should take around 5 to 10 minutes. After that you can publish the setup for a following entity. 

Furthermore, this first-time publishing is of the type "Publish All". As is always the case with Publish All, this means that all apps where the related forms and ribbons are used cannot be used for a few minutes. Additionally, take care that there are no other unpublished changes present that should not be published yet.

First-time publishing applies customizations to an entity's forms and ribbons. When you make any changes to the forms or ribbons of an entity, or add a form to use in an app, the DC setup needs to be re-published for all entities where you want to use Duplicate Check. This way the necessary customizations are added to the new or edited form or ribbon.
Re-publishing with "Publish All" can be done on tab <Entity> Settings, under Advanced Settings > Start Entity Setup Process for Entity. See Entity Settings‍ for more information.

First-time Publishing does not work

If you cannot publish a scenario or other entity settings for the first time, there can be several causes. Please check the different possible causes below.

Another entity is being published for the first time

A message is shown stating that a publishing process for another entity is still running. 
You can run only one first-time entity publish at a time (for a first-time publish). Wait about five to ten minutes and try again.

You do not have the Power Automate license 

Another cause can be that you do not have the Power Automate license. Without this license, you can update existing scenarios and other entity settings, but you cannot publish an entity for the first time.