Auto Convert

Last published at: 2024-07-27 01:33:21 UTC

Auto Convert feature is available in the Advanced and Premium editions.


After completing this tutorial you will be able to configure and properly use the DC Auto Convert feature.

Auto Convert is a feature which appears in the form of a button right after a DC Cross Object Job is done in the job overview. The Auto Convert feature converts duplicates found in just a few clicks. Before taking this action you can manually review the batch results and choose which one of them you want to discard from the conversion process.

After clicking on the Auto Convert button, you will have the following options:

Job Name 
This is the name of the job you are going to use Auto Convert for.
The threshold number defines the minimum score that a match must have as a result to be processed by the Auto Convert feature.
Convert Status
The status that the record will get after converting. Learn how to create your own convert status and how they work in this Salesforce Help Article.
Owner for New Records
Choose who to be the owner of the newly converted record.

Be careful of how you set the level of your threshold number because record conversion can NOT be undone.


Learn how to start a Cross Object job in this article.