Why you need to check your record limit

Last published at: 2024-06-25 13:38:12 UTC

As can be found on our pricing page, Duplicate Check’s pricing is based on the record count of an organization instead of users. The record count shows how many records are found in Salesforce for each object. Based on that number, users can determine their record limit in a Duplicate Check license. This article explains what a record limit is, how you know if the record limit is (still) sufficient and what happens if the limit is too low.

What is the record limit

Every Duplicate Check license has a record limit, decided by the customer at the time of purchasing Duplicate Check. This record limit determines how many records Duplicate Check can analyze per object. If the record limit is lower than the actual record count, Duplicate Check is unable to analyze all records which means some duplicates might not be found and the Salesforce organization is not completely duplicate-free.

For example, if your organization has 130,000 Leads, 80,000 Contacts and 50,000 Opportunities and the record limit is set to 100,000, it means that 30,000 Leads are not analyzed by Duplicate Check. This means possible duplicates in this object are not found. Important to mention is that the record limit should be decided by the largest object in Salesforce that you want to use with Duplicate Check. You don’t need the sum of all the Objects, just take the largest Object and take that number to decide the record limit.

How do I know if my record limit is sufficient?

In most businesses, the number of customers, donors or relations grows as business is growing. Although this is a great thing, it also means that the amount of records in Salesforce grows along. Records in Salesforce can also grow as a result of a take-over or when new services or products are introduced. The record limit in the Duplicate Check license does not automatically grow along. This means that it is wise to check your record limit regularly.

To help you, the DC Job page shows an alert when the record limit is too low for the record count. When a job is finished, an alert will show that not all records are analyzed. If this is the case, check the record limit and consider upgrading your license.

Checking the record count and record limit

Checking the record count can easily be done in the DC Setup page. When opening the page, you can see the record count at a glance. On the same page, the current licensed record limit can be found at the bottom of the page, at the License section. When the record limit is too low, the objects in which the record count is higher than the record limit, will show a red alert and the number of records in that objects are shown in red.

What to do if the record count exceeds the record limit

If the record limit turns out to be too low for the record count, it means that Duplicate Check cannot analyze all records in Salesforce and some duplicates are not found.


When looking at the consequences, it is important to remember that duplicate records lead to much additional costs in terms of time and money. A duplicate-free database helps to improve productivity and efficiency and improves the quality of reports and decision making.

Concluding to this article, it is highly recommended for the licensed  record limit to fit the record count. Contact support@duplicatecheck.com for help or more information.