Filter on records associated with a Campaign

Last published at: 2024-08-29 09:49:23 UTC

The DC Job Filter feature is available in the Premium and PDM editions of Duplicate Check.

You can filter a DC Job so that it only runs on records that are associated with a certain Campaign, by using the "In Campaign" filter option.
Currently this filter option is available only for Leads and Contacts; in the future Account jobs will have this feature as well.

Filter DC Job records on Campaign

To filter a DC Job for Leads or Contacts to run only on those records that are associated with a certain Campaign:

  1. Create a new DC Job‍ or edit an existing Scheduled Job‍.
  2. Enter a job name, select an Object (Lead or Contact), and select one or more Scenarios.
  3. Click + Add Filter .
  4. Click + Add Filterline .
  5. In the Field picklist, select In Campaign.
  6. Add Operator: Equal To, and as Value select the Campaign name.
  7. Click Done .
  8. Add more filters if desired, and continue configuring the job.

The job will now run only on those records that are associated with the selected Campaign.


Read more about applying filters to DC Jobs in Duplicate Check Job Filters‍.