Record Validation Setup page

Last published at: 2024-07-27 01:33:21 UTC


On the left side of the page, you see a navigation menu containing the Lead, Contact, and Account object plus custom Objects like Opportunity. By clicking the object name, you will navigate to the configuration page of that object.

Add Object

When clicking 'Add Object', a drop-down menu opens with (custom) objects you can add to Record Validation. Add objects to the Record Validation Setup page to configure them for RV actions.

Object Settings

In 'Object Settings' you can customize and configure your objects. It contains settings related to the Record Validation Entry feature, and you can delete the current configuration here.


Learn more about Record Validation Object Settings in this article.

Record Validation Settings

On the Record Validation Settings page, you can configure the default country, enable or disable suggestions, show objects API names, or change the default country showing format. 


Learn more about the Record Validation Settings page in this article.

Field Validation

Mapping, suggestions, formatting, and more:

Address Validations Map fields, configure suggestions, and display format. Learn more here.
Phone Number Validations Analyzes your phone number values, and parses, validates, and formats them to your preferred standardization. Learn more here.
Email Validations Analyze email addresses to see if they are valid and have the correct format. In addition, Record Validation does a Syntax, DNS, and Freemail check. Learn more here.


On the Record Validation License page, you can view detailed information about your current subscription, which features are available for you, how many credits each validation costs, and more.


Learn more about the Record Validation License page in this article.

Auto Process

The Record Validation Auto Process feature lets you auto validate a batch of records with the settings defined by you.


Learn more about the Record Validation Auto Process feature in this article.


On the License page, you can review a detailed audit of recent validations, their status, how many credits the validation cost, who ran the validation, and more.


Learn more about the Record Validation Transaction page in this article.