Install DAP

Last published at: 2024-09-24 12:09:04 UTC

To install the Data Action Platform:

  1. Go to the AppExchange and click Get it now 
  2. Decide if you want to install in Sandbox or Production.
  3. Read and confirm the Terms and Conditions and click Confirm and Install.
  4. Decide if you want to install for Administrators only, All Users, or Specific Profiles. We advise to start with Administrators only, and only change the access level after configuring DAP.
    • Administrators only: Only administrators can configure and use the Data Action Platform. 
    • All Users: All users can configure and use the Data Action Platform.
    • Specific Profile: Define access per user profile.
  1. Click Install.

You have now installed the Data Action Platform app. You can find the app via the App Launcher. Next, add the Action Launcher button to all objects where you want to use actions. See Add the Action Launcher to Leads, Accounts and Contacts‍ and Add the Action Launcher to other objects‍.