Plauti referral program

Refer a contact to us and receive:

  • An increase of 50,000 records processing limit for your Duplicate Check license OR an 30-minute 1:1 with one of data experts. Your choice.
  • $50 for YOU when the referred contact’s employer becomes a Plauti customer.
  • 10% discount on a Duplicate Check Premium license.

The contact you refer receives: 

  • One month of Duplicate Check premium for FREE, instead of the usual 14 days.
  • Raised record limit to 25,000 from the default 10,000.
  • 10% off on the premium version or 5% off on the Advanced version upon purchase.

Form filling instructions

The process of referring a customer to Plauti is straightforward. Just fill in the below information:

Spread the word about Plauti today and start reaping the rewards!

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