Salesforce Dedupe Tools: Is Plauti Duplicate Check the Best Cloudingo Alternative?

Yves Sinkgraven
Written by Yves Sinkgraven in Blog
Salesforce Dedupe Tools: Is Plauti Duplicate Check the Best Cloudingo Alternative?
August 17, 2023
Reading time: less than a minute

Your problem: duplicate data in your salesforce org. The solution? Well, truth be told, this isn’t really a “one size fits all” answer. That’s because the answer to this question may depend on the unique needs and requirements of your organization. If you've been using or learning about duplicate management tools for Salesforce, you might be wondering what alternatives are available to you.

One popular and well-known solution is Cloudingo by Symphonic Source. They offer some great functionality and deduping power. One the other hand, you might have also heard about Plauti Duplicate Check. Duplicate Check also provides powerful functions to help an organization manage and eliminate duplicate records. So, how different are these two solutions? Here are some differences between them at a glance:

Cloudingo vs Duplicate Check

Duplicate Check
Salesforce Native
Pricing / free edition?
Free edition (no time limit) / Advanced version starting at $588 / year
Free trial version. Standard version $2500 year
Fuzzy Matching techniques
Seats / user limit
Unlimited (all editions)
3 (professional edition)
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Duplicate Check overview

Cloudingo has a good reputation and ranks well on the Salesforce AppExchange, but you might be asking yourself what some of the differences are compared with Plauti Duplicate Check, and whether Duplicate Check a good alterative to Cloudingo. Although they both address a similar need, they tackle the problem in different ways. Plauti Duplicate Check is a comprehensive Salesforce data management tool designed to help organizations identify as well as eliminate duplicate records within their databases. It is particularly focused on providing robust duplicate detection and management capabilities within the Salesforce CRM platform. Duplicate Check employs advanced algorithms and fuzzy matching techniques to identify duplicate records within Salesforce. It also offers flexible matching rules that can be customized to suit the organization's specific requirements. For instance, users can define which fields to compare, assign different weights to each field, and set the threshold for determining duplicates.


  • Batch detection – A powerful feature of Duplicate Check is that it can run a batch job, or as we call it, a "Duplicate Check Job", to find all existing duplicate records in any object. You can run a Duplicate Check Job within one object or look for duplicates across two different objects.
  • Prevention – Prevent duplicates from occurring in by guarding every entry. Whether you're updating, creating or using Quick Create, DC will warn you of potential duplicates. Not only does Duplicate Check scan your records when saving, but it also scans for duplicates while you are creating or editing a record.
  • Real-time – Direct Processing is a prevention feature that automatically merges and converts duplicate records at entry point with no manual intervention required at all. What’s more, it can process records entering your Salesforce environment from various sources, be it Web-to-Lead, API Bulk Insert, or API Single Insert feature.

Duplicate Check Pros

Native = Seamless Integration: Native Salesforce solutions are specifically designed to integrate seamlessly with the Salesforce platform. They leverage Salesforce's built-in functionality, data structure, and user interface, making the implementation process smoother and more straightforward. Non-native solutions, on the other hand, may require additional configuration, mapping, and integration efforts to work with Salesforce.

Familiarity and Consistency: Native Salesforce solutions utilize the same user interface, navigation, and terminology as the core Salesforce platform. This familiarity allows users and administrators to quickly understand and adopt the new solution without a steep learning curve. Non-native solutions may introduce a different interface or workflow, requiring users to adapt to a new system and potentially undergo additional training.

Processing options – When it comes to processing options, Duplicate Check is unparalleled. Duplicate Check allows for full flexibility when it comes to processing data and is the only solution to offer three types of processing options:

  • Local machine – use your local machine to run a job
  • Salesforce – run a job inside the native Salesforce cloud
  • Plauti Cloud – for large jobs and more processing power, run your job in the Plauti cloud.


Undo Button- It would be great to have an undo button for certain actions.

Duplicate Check Pricing

At time of publication the current Duplicate Check plans and pricing options are as follows:
Free / Free Plus version
– Unlimited time free version with some restricted functionality
– Starting at $588 / year (14-day trial available)
– Starting at $2772 / year (14-day trial available)
– Custom price on request

* Usually, additional seats come at extra cost, but this is not the case with Duplicate Check. Duplicate Check includes unlimited seats on every available edition. Having unlimited seats to assign to your users is a powerful feature. You can easily delegate data hygiene tasks to more users, extending the power of all the features available. The philosophy at Plauti is to enable all users to be a part of the data hygiene journey.

Try Duplicate Check for free today!

Experience the power of all features for free. After 14 days you automatically revert to the free version of Duplicate Check.
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Cloudingo overview

Cloudingo is a data deduplication as well as data quality management tool designed to help organizations identify, merge, and eliminate duplicate records in Salesforce. It offers a range of features and functionalities to streamline the deduplication processes and utilizes advanced algorithms and techniques to identify duplicate records within Salesforce. Let’s explore some of the core features.

Core features

  • Mass import records –Use CSV or tab delimited files to import records while the wizard scans for duplicates.
  • Clean & dedupe – Clean up and delete records using customizable conditions. You can also automate several of the deduplication tasks. For example, you could choose to run them on a Sunday while nobody is using the system.
  • Undo merge – Undo a merge and restore records to a previous state.

Cloudingo Pros

External data abilities - As Cloudingo is not Salesforce Native, it can work with databases outside of Salesforce orgs. This allows for data enrichment and abilities to match records with data external data sets, for instance, Marketo.

Undo merge
– Cloudingo offers more features than those related to duplicate management. It offers standardization and data enrichment abilities. It’s only mainly duplication abilities you’re after, it might be overkill. That said, Plauti also offers a comprehensive suite solution with validation features, and more.


User interface – The user interface is a bit clunky and looks dated. It might not be as intuitive and user-friendly as Duplicate Check’s modern design.
Better Free version - A free version or trial version that is longer than 10 days would be nice. It’s hard to get to know a complicated solution and understand its abilities in a short period of time.

Cloudingo Pricing

At time of publication the current Cloudingo pricing options are as follows:
Trial version
– Free 10-day trial
Standard version
- $2500 per year
Professional version
– Professional - $6000 per year
- $10, 000 + / year
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Cloudingo vs Duplicate Check: Upgrade Compatibility

Salesforce regularly releases platform updates and enhancements. Native solutions are designed to be compatible with these updates, ensuring that they continue to function seamlessly without any major disruptions. Non-native solutions may require additional testing, updates, or modifications to remain compatible with Salesforce upgrades, introducing potential challenges and delays during the upgrade process.

Cloudingo vs Duplicate Check: Learning Curve

The average knowledge worker already must learn many tools and processes in their daily work. When adding new tools, it should enable their ability to save time and work more efficiently instead of spending hours learning something that seems awkward. In this light, an intuitive user interface can make the difference.

Cloudingo has been reported to have a steeper learning curve compared to Duplicate Check. Users may require more time and effort to fully understand and utilize all the features and functionalities of the tool effectively. Although Cloudingo is well regarded, the issue of the user interface is a subject that comes up time and again. On the other hand, Duplicate Check is designed to feel comfortable and familiar to anyone who has used Salesforce, making it easier and less intimidating to get to grasp with.

For out last table, we will look at some ratings from the popular tech comparison website G2.

*Bear in mind, these scores can change over time, so be sure to check out the latest scores for accuracy.

Duplicate Check
Ease of use 
Ease of setup
Quality of support
Product direction

At an ever-increasing rate, data quality tools are being utilized in organisations. As this trend grows, companies are searching for secure, efficient software solutions that tailor to their needs and pain points. At the end of the day, the choice between Cloudingo and Duplicate Check will always depend on your specific needs and priorities.

It is recommended to thoroughly evaluate both options and consider factors such as cost, user experience, customization options, integration capabilities, and customer support before deciding. When researching various alternatives, it's essential to consider factors such as reliability and user-friendliness, automation, the size of your data sets as well as the results you hope to achieve. When you know exactly what you are looking for, finding the solution will become easier.

If you would like to learn more about how Plauti Duplicate Check can help you fight the battle of duplicate records in your Salesforce org, head over to today to learn more.

Ready to test drive Duplicate Check?

Experience the power of all features for free. After 14 days you automatically revert to the free version of Duplicate Check.
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About the Author
Yves Sinkgraven
Yves Sinkgraven Content Marketer
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