Address Validation for Salesforce: DQE vs. Plauti Record Validation in 2024

Yves Sinkgraven
Written by Yves Sinkgraven in Blog
Address Validation for Salesforce: DQE vs. Plauti Record Validation in 2024
November 24, 2023
Reading time: less than a minute

Digital commerce relies on good data. And, within the labyrinth of data management there are many nooks and crannies, niches of data that reside within their own realm, and require special care. In this article, we’re focusing on address data, and if your business is involved in any way in logistics, you will know that addresses data is one of the most critical aspects of a customer’s information. The accuracy of address data means your product reaches your customer instead of ending up in the wrong hands. An incorrect address can cause a chain reaction of events that wastes time, money, energy and worst of all – erodes trust and reliability of a company to “deliver” on its promise.

Reliable and accurate address data is the key to happy customers, timely deliveries, as well as a significant reduction in operational costs. As the adage goes, “location, location!”. And choosing the right tool for address validation requires considering the needs of your business and commerce operations. In this realm, two notable contenders, DQE and Plauti Record Validation for Salesforce stand out among many solutions available. What makes them unique? What sets them apart? Let’s delve into a comprehensive analysis of both and help you gain an understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of each.

Salesforce data quality logo DQE Plauti record validation

DQE Overview

DQE is a data management tool with a suite of data management products, some of which we've also looked at in other posts. With its ADDRESS module, DQE provides a solution aimed at helping companies verify and validate customer address information. For Salesforce-centric organizations, it's good to know it is designed to run as a native application. Let's check out their main features.


  • As-you-type suggestions: DQE will suggest postal addresses as you enter address information.
  • International input assistance: Tailored to the specific address conventions of different countries, it facilitates a seamless user experience.
  • Address cleaning: Post-submission checks ensure the accuracy of the entered address, providing corrective suggestions if necessary​.
  • Real-time verification: Real-time address verification at all customer contact detail touchpoints.
  • Geocoding: DQE offers Geocoding, although bear in mind that it is an additional module you must pay for along with the ADDRESS module.


  • Extensive geographic database: Harnesses a vast database covering over 240 countries and territories.
  • Native integration with Salesforce


  • Cost per seat will mean you are limited to how many users can adopt the solution.
  • Although geocoding is possible, having everything packaged as separate bundles makes selecting want you want more confusing. With RV, the feature is readily available without the need to add another module.
  • Cost per seat will mean you are limited to how many users can adopt the solution.


For pricing details of DQE's address validation you will need to contact DQE.

RV Logo

Record Validation

Record Validation for Salesforce is known for providing an all-round validation solution for email addresses, phone numbers and physical addresses. Although this is the case, if you’re looking specifically into address validation RV is still a fantastic choice with the advanced features of many standalone solutions. Again, it’s Salesforce native, meaning an easy path to integration for Salesforce lovers. Let’s explore some of the features of RV.


  • Address Standardization and Verification: RV not only verifies but standardizes, cleanses, and formats address data for over 240 countries and territories, ensuring a high level of accuracy​.
  • Auto-suggestion: RV makes data entry a breeze. Simply by typing a street name, RV will suggest an address. When you select the suggested RV address, RV will auto-fill the rest of the address's information, such as postal code and country. This reduces data entry time by 78% and drastically reduces errors.
  • Geocoding: Adds geocodes to addresses, enhancing the precision of your address records​​.
  • Live validation: RV Live is a Lightning component you can add on your record page to validate addresses on any page working on.
  • Direct Validate: The Direct Validate function automatically verifies records upon their introduction to your Salesforce Org via API insertion or bulk upload. Employ Direct Validate to promptly authenticate your data as it enters the system.

Record Validation transliterates words or letters from different global character sets into Roman characters across 8 scripts including: Cyrillic, Hellenic, Hebrew, Kanji, Simplified Chinese, Arabic, Thai, Hangul


  • Native integration with Salesforce: Seamlessly integrates with Salesforce, mapping standard address fields automatically.
  • Extensive Geographic Coverage: Like DQE, it covers over 240 countries and territories.
  • Unlimited seats: RV can be used by anyone in your organization for no extra cost-per seat / license.
  • Direct Validate and Live Validate: Powerful features that enhance data entry accuracy at the point of entry.


Salesforce native – RV is designed to work on Salesforce primarily. This may be considered a negative if your organization is not reliant on Salesforce.


The pricing begins with a free trial offering 100 credits, and the Premium plan starts at $39/month billed annually, providing 50000 credits initially. The credits are utilized for validating and formatting addresses, among other data fields.

DQE vs Record Validation: Error-tolerant Autocomplete

While both tools offer error-tolerant autocomplete, Record Validation's proven ability to significantly reduce data entry time with by autocompleting and suggesting the best results places it a step ahead, making address input a breeze for all users.

DQE vs Record Validation: User seats

Record Validation comes with unlimited user seats, meaning that the capabilities of RV can be extended to anyone in your organization. This is a huge change in the overall approach to data management and can help foster a wider and teamwork style approach to data management inside a company. This fundamental difference forms part of the Plauti culture and we believe it’s something to embrace. Rather than having one or two experts working with data, everyone who is hand-on with data is equipped and ready to tackle data head-on.

DQE vs Record Validation: Live validation

RV’s ability to perform live validation on any page you’re working on is another key point that makes Record Validation stand out compared to DQE. As Live Validation can be added to any page it can have a dramatic impact on the overall data quality you’re working on.


In conclusion, the realm of address validation is vast yet pivotal. The choice between DQE and Record Validation boils down to your business's unique needs and the level of precision and integration you seek in address validation. With that said, the pros gained by RV such as live validation and the ability to extend the solution to unlimited users makes RV a more complete solution geared towards total holistic data management. Additionally, RV has a streamlined integration with Plauti Duplicate Check for Salesforce, meaning that you can combine the power of Duplicate Check with Record Validation to create the ultimate data-quality duo!

As always, the best way to learn about anything is usually to try it out! That’s why we offer a free 100 credit-trial of RV with no strings attached! Get ahead of your data with Record Validation and feel the difference!

Try Record Validation

Take the RV test drive today. Packed with all the features, and all the power. No credits cards or hassle!
Get started today!
About the Author
Yves Sinkgraven
Yves Sinkgraven Content Marketer
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