How to Make Sure Your Data is Ready for Einstein AI

Daniela Cajigal
Written by Daniela Cajigal in Webinars
October 31, 2023
Reading time: less than a minute

Revisit the Interactive Webinar with Plauti & SalesforceBen

On October 31st, 2023, experts from Plauti and SalesforceBen, including SFB's Andrew and Plauti's Nicola and Sten, joined hands to shed light on one of the most pivotal aspects of AI: Data Readiness.


  • Why data quality is the foundation of any AI project.
  • Strategies to optimize your data for Einstein AI.
  • Live discussions and Q&A with industry experts.

If you're interested in Einstein, AI initiatives, or simply looking to ensure your data is in the best shape possible for future endeavors, this webinar is a treasure trove of insights.

About the Author
Daniela Cajigal
Daniela Cajigal Content Marketer
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