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3 Types of Data Quality Tools

TL;DR: There are three essential data quality tools: Data Cleansing & Deduplication Tools, Data Quality Management Software, and Data Profiling Tools. These tools help to improve data quality, enhance decision-making, increase efficiency as well as lead to better customer satisfaction and tighter compliance.

3 Types of Data Quality Tools

In the previous articles we looked at some of the causes of bad data quality as well as a variety of methods to improve data quality in your organization. Ideas like data cleansing, deduplication, data governance should now be familiar. In case you missed the previous article, or want to check it again, you can find it here. When it comes to the challenge of data quality, understanding the cause of it is a great first step. Identifying and adopting good data practice and hygiene is also a fundamental piece of the puzzle.

However, the challenge of quality data doesn’t fall on your organizations' shoulders alone. There are a variety of data quality tools and technologies out there specific aimed at helping organizations address these issues. In this article we are going to reveal three types of solutions aimed to improve data quality.

Three Types of Data Quality Tools for Improved Data Management

There are three type of data quality tools and technologies aimed at helping organizations address the challenges of managing data:

  1. Data Cleansing & Deduplication Tools: These tools eliminate duplicate or inaccurate data, ensuring integrity and efficiency.
  2. Data Quality Management Software: Responsible for data quality tasks like profiling, validation, and governance.
  3. Data Profiling Tools: These tools analyze data to detect anomalies and patterns, facilitating understanding and enhancing data quality.
3 Types of Data Quality Tools 2

1. Data Cleansing & Deduplication Tools

Today, organizations face the ever-mounting challenge of managing vast amounts of data. From customer records to product information, maintaining accurate, consistent, and reliable data is crucial for making informed business decisions. This is where data cleansing and deduplication tools come to lend a helping hand. It is hard to overstate the significance of data cleansing, particularly in removing duplicate, inaccurate, or inconsistent data.

Data cleansing plays a pivotal role in ensuring data integrity and enhancing data quality. By eliminating duplicate records, correcting inaccuracies, and standardizing data, organizations can unlock valuable insights, improve operational efficiency, and enhance customer experiences. Duplicate data can lead to inefficient processes, wasted resources, and erroneous analyses, which can ultimately impact decision-making and hinder business growth.

Among the notable data cleansing tools, Plauti Duplicate Check stands out as a comprehensive solution designed specifically for Salesforce users. With its advanced algorithms and intuitive interface, Duplicate Check helps organizations identify and eliminate duplicate records with laser precision. For instance, by leveraging fuzzy matching techniques, Duplicate Check can identify duplicates even with variations in spelling, abbreviations, and formatting.

In addition to deduplication, Plauti Record Validation facilitates data standardization. It helps organizations enforce consistent data formats, such as address normalization, phone number formatting, and name standardization. This ensures data consistency across the entire Salesforce ecosystem.

Popular Data Cleansing Tools and Key Capabilities

  • Plauti's Duplicate Check for Salesforce - A comprehensive tool designed to identify, clean, and prevent duplicates within Salesforce. It is native to Salesforce, ensuring quick setup and data privacy. This solution is capable of handling large data volumes and provides over 20 matching algorithms for precise deduplication across various objects.
  • Informatica Data Quality - Informatica provides a powerful data quality platform that encompasses various cleansing functionalities. It offers extensive data profiling, data enrichment, and validation capabilities, enabling organizations to achieve high-quality data throughout their systems.

Data cleansing tools help organizations achieve higher data quality levels by ensuring clean and error free data. This in turn allows businesses to make informed decisions based on reliable insights, improving the efficiency and effectiveness of strategic initiatives. Here are some additional ways data cleansing tools help organizations:

Operational Efficiency
- By eliminating duplicate records and standardizing data, organizations can streamline processes, reduce errors, and optimize resource allocation, ultimately improving operational efficiency.

Customer Success
- Consistent and accurate customer data enables personalized experiences, improved customer service, and targeted marketing campaigns, leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Risk Mitigation
- By minimizing the risk of data-related issues, such as compliance violations, fraud, or inaccurate reporting, data cleansing tools help organizations maintain trust, mitigate risks, and safeguard their reputation.

Want to look at some real world examples? Check out our case studies here to learn how Plauti helped organizations achieve data happiness.

3 Types of Data Quality Tools

2. Data Quality Management Software

Data quality management software provide a wide range of functionalities designed to address the various aspects of data quality. These solutions act as a central hub for managing data quality capabilities such as data profiling, data validation, data monitoring, and data governance. Let's look at these data concepts:

  • Data Profiling
    Data profiling is the foundation of any data quality initiative. Data quality management software enables organizations to profile their data, gaining insights into its characteristics and overall quality. By analyzing patterns, distributions, and relationships within datasets, businesses can uncover inconsistencies, errors, redundancies, and missing values. This knowledge empowers organizations to make informed decisions and take targeted actions to improve data quality.
  • Data Validation
    Ensuring that data adheres to predefined standards, rules, and business requirements is critical for maintaining accuracy and reliability. Data quality management software provides robust data validation functionalities that automatically validate data against predefined rules. This process helps identify and rectify errors, anomalies, and inconsistencies, ensuring that data is trustworthy and fit for purpose.
  • Data Monitoring
    Data quality is not a one-time effort; it requires continuous monitoring and proactive management. Data quality management software enables organizations to monitor their data in real-time, detecting issues as they arise. By setting up alerts and notifications, businesses can proactively identify data quality issues, allowing for timely interventions and preventing the propagation of errors.
  • Data Governance
    Data governance
    is essential for establishing policies, procedures, and responsibilities around data quality. Data quality management software provides robust governance capabilities, enabling organizations to define and enforce data standards, access controls, and data ownership. These tools ensure that data is managed consistently, reducing the risk of data quality issues and promoting compliance with regulatory requirements.

Notable Examples of Data Quality Tools

Now that we are aware of some data cleansing concepts, let’s look at some tools to help gain control over poor data. Thankfully, there are several data quality management software solutions that have gained recognition for their comprehensive functionalities and reliability. Here are a few examples:

  • Plauti Record Validation - Plauti Record Validation is designed for Salesforce and enhances email, phone, and address data quality directly within Salesforce. It reduces postal and email delivery failures significantly, speeds up manual record entry, and decreases entry errors. This tool offers comprehensive validation and formatting for over 240 countries, seamlessly integrating into Salesforce for efficient, real-time data validation. Flexible and extensible, it supports batch and direct validation, allowing for automatic or manual processing of results, and integrates via APIs for custom processes, ensuring global reach and accurate customer segmentation.
  • Informatica Data Quality - Informatica Data Quality offers advanced profiling capabilities, allowing organizations to discover, assess, and monitor the quality of their data. It provides comprehensive data validation features, ensuring compliance with business rules and industry standards. With its robust data monitoring capabilities, Informatica enables organizations to detect and resolve data quality issues in real-time.
  • Talend Data Fabric - Talend Data Fabric provides a comprehensive suite of tools for data profiling, data cleansing, and data enrichment. Its data validation features allow organizations to define rules and constraints, ensuring data accuracy and consistency. With powerful data monitoring capabilities, Talend enables proactive detection and resolution of data quality issues, minimizing the impact on business operations.

Data quality management software plays a crucial role in enabling organizations to implement proactive data quality strategies and maintain high-quality data throughout its lifecycle. By leveraging these tools, businesses can:

  • Identify and rectify data quality issues before they impact decision-making processes.
  • Improve operational efficiency by reducing data errors and inconsistencies.
  • Enhance customer satisfaction by providing accurate and reliable information.
  • Mitigate compliance risks by enforcing data governance and regulatory standards.
  • Drive innovation and business growth by making data-driven decisions based on high-quality information.

3. Data Profiling Tools

Assessing and analyzing data quality can be a formidable task when you don’t have the right tools and strategies in place. This is where data profiling tools come into play. Data profiling tools help by empowering businesses to gain a comprehensive understanding of their data, identify anomalies, and uncover data quality issues. Data profiling also serves as the foundation for effective data quality management. It involves the systematic analysis of data to gain insights into its characteristics, structure, completeness, and integrity.

By scrutinizing data patterns, distributions, and relationships, organizations can assess the overall quality of their datasets and identify areas for improvement. Let's explore some methods and techniques data profiling tools employ to achieving these goals.

Statistical Analysis
Data profiling tools employ statistical analysis techniques to reveal essential insights about the data. They generate descriptive statistics, such as mean, median, standard deviation, and frequency distributions, allowing organizations to assess data completeness, identify outliers, and determine data distributions. These statistical metrics serve as valuable indicators of data quality.

Pattern Recognition

Data profiling tools leverage advanced pattern recognition algorithms to detect recurring patterns within datasets. By identifying common patterns and structures, these tools enable organizations to gain insights into data consistency, identify redundancies, and uncover potential data quality issues. This helps in assessing the reliability and accuracy of the data.

Data Quality Metrics

Data profiling tools provide a wide range of data quality metrics that quantify the level of data integrity and fitness for purpose. These metrics measure aspects such as data accuracy, completeness, consistency, and validity. By utilizing predefined quality thresholds and benchmarks, organizations can objectively evaluate the quality of their data and set targets for improvement.

Popular Data Profiling Tools

  • BM InfoSphere Information Analyzer - InfoSphere Information Analyzer by tech giant IBM offers a suite of data profiling capabilities that address the needs of data profiling. Features include statistical analysis, pattern recognition, and data quality metric functionalities. InfoSphere Information Analyzer allows organizations to define business rules and data quality thresholds, perform complex data transformations, and generate customizable data quality reports. It a nutshell, it’s well worth investigating this solution for data profiling needs.
  • Talend Data Quality - Talend Data Quality makes a 2nd appearance in this post, and for a good reason. It features include statistical profiling, pattern discovery, and data quality metric functionalities. It also boasts an intuitive visual interface, enabling organizations to gain insights into data patterns, identify data anomalies, and create data quality rules for ongoing monitoring and governance.

By now it’s clear that data profiling tools offer organizations a multitude of benefits, enabling them to gain valuable insights into data quality issues, prioritize improvements, and establish robust data governance frameworks. By leveraging these tools, businesses can reap several benefits, for example, they can:

Gain Insights into Data Anomalies and Inconsistencies
- Data profiling tools provide organizations with the ability to identify anomalies and inconsistencies within their datasets. By analyzing data patterns, distributions, and relationships, businesses can uncover discrepancies that may impact data accuracy and reliability. Armed with this knowledge, organizations can make informed decisions based on accurate information.

Prioritize Data Quality Improvements
- With data profiling tools, organizations can prioritize data quality improvements by focusing on areas that have the most significant impact on business operations and outcomes. By identifying data elements or processes that are prone to errors or inconsistencies, businesses can allocate resources effectively and address high-priority issues first. This targeted approach ensures that data quality improvements align with strategic objectives.

Establish Data Governance Frameworks
- Data profiling tools play a vital role in establishing robust data governance frameworks. These tools enable organizations to define data quality standards, establish clear data ownership responsibilities, and implement effective monitoring processes. By enforcing data governance policies, businesses can ensure that data is managed consistently across the organization, reducing the risk of data quality issues and promoting compliance with regulatory requirements.

Ensure Compliance with Regulatory Requirements
- Data profiling tools help organizations ensure compliance with regulatory requirements by detecting and addressing data quality issues that may result in non-compliance. By analyzing data against predefined standards and benchmarks, businesses can identify data inconsistencies or errors that may violate regulatory guidelines. This proactive approach enables organizations to rectify data quality issues promptly, mitigating compliance risks.


Organizations must recognize the importance of leveraging tools and technologies to enhance data quality. However, it is also essential that organizations evaluate their data quality needs and consider implementing suitable tools and technologies to improve data reliability and accuracy based on their own unique requirements. When done right, leveraging data cleansing tools, data quality management software, and data profiling tools, businesses can enhance decision-making, operational efficiency, customer satisfaction, and compliance with regulatory requirements.

Investing in these tools and technologies demonstrates a commitment to data-driven decision-making and ensures that data is a strategic asset for the organization. By prioritizing data quality initiatives, businesses can unlock the full potential of their data and gain a competitive edge in the market.

Organizations must recognize the importance of leveraging tools and technologies to enhance data quality. However, it is also essential that organizations evaluate their data quality needs and consider implementing suitable tools and technologies to improve data reliability and accuracy based on their own unique requirements. When done right, leveraging data cleansing tools, data quality management software, and data profiling tools, businesses can enhance decision-making, operational efficiency, customer satisfaction, and compliance with regulatory requirements.

Investing in these tools and technologies demonstrates a commitment to data-driven decision-making and ensures that data is a strategic asset for the organization. By prioritizing data quality initiatives, businesses can unlock the full potential of their data and gain a competitive edge in the market.

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